FINALLY home from my 72 hour travel hell lol and spent the day yesterday doing a major reset! Anyone else get stuck traveling during the gloabal IT outage? Seriously an insane few days and I am SO HAPPY to back home with my husband and babies!
If you missed the reset reel you can watch that here!
Here’s links to some of my most favorite products that I love dearly, use daily, and would recommend to anyone 🙂
the best espresso machine
my fav non tox laundry soap (ultra concentrated lasts for 64+ loads – 15% with SHAREYL)
My fav shampoo, conditioner & leave-in for my hair can be found HERE
(I use the color radiance hair bath, hydrating conditioner, and sweet spirit leave in)
I use the dyson airwrap to style my hair…big purchase but worth every penny IMO.
Non tox self tanning face drops (I use medium)
Non tox self tanning lotion (I use fair to medium)
Supplement drink (SHAREYL for 15% off supplements):
2 oz Ningxia Red
1 stick inner boost + balance
1 dropper phyto nutrition
3 drops orange eo
+ add 1 can spindrift!
This drink is my “nutrient drench” gives me sooo much energy (no caffeine) tastes so good, and floods my body with high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals.
Also took my favorite beef organs (BECCA10 for discount) + green omegas supp
Lazy quiche recipe:
Make the crust:
1 1/14 cup einkorn all purpose
5 tbsp melted butter
½ tsp salt
5 tbsp cold water
Mix all ingredients into a dough, Press into pie pan with fingers, Park bake at 350F for 10-12 min.
Make the filling:
Mix to combine 6 eggs + 1 cup milk + salt/pepper + any other seasonings (I like dried parsley)
Layer fillings in par-baked crust (I like greens, cheese, and ground sausage) and top with egg mixture.
Bake at 375F for 30-40 min or until egg is set and top is golden brown