I recently purchased a new round of clothes for the girls to wear the rest of this spring & summer, and wanted to share what I picked out! I also wanted to share a little bit behind my clothes philosophy for littles & how we keep it simple in our house.
My kids clothes philosophy
Anyone else get overwhelmed by the laundry? I know I don’t even need to ask lol most probably would give a resounding YES. Once my second Hadley was born, I was like ok – we need to figure out a better system that is more streamlined & easier to stay on top of! I feel like when it comes to kids clothes, it’s so easy to have WAY TOO MANY. From buying all the cutesy stuff (little girls clothes especially can be hard to resist) to being gifted clothes, getting hand-me-downs etc, it can all just pile up fast. And now with our third baby joining our family in the next month or two, I’m so glad I’ve got this simpler system in place.
What I do now: I’ve adopted a capsule wardrobe approach with each kid. Each season, they get a “new” wardrobe – either new clothes that I purchase, or hand-me-downs I have from before. I shoot to have 7-10 tops, 7-10 bottoms, and each girl will usually have 1-2 dresses to wear on nicer occasions like going out to eat, going to mass, etc. Plus enough pajamas to last them a week.
Laundry routine: For each girl, I do their laundry once a week. They each have their own hamper and their clothes are washed separately so that there is no sorting involved. Hamper fills up, hamper goes down to the laundry room, clothes get washed/dried/folded, and then the hamper goes back upstairs for the clothes to be put away.
The clothes definitely get more wear & tear this way, since it’s only enough to last them a week. I’m not super worried about clothes getting stained (their kids!) and theres always a few pairs of pants that end up with holes over a season of wear. That’s okay by me! My goal isn’t necessarily to keep the clothes in pristine condition – it’s to make my life easier and have less.
At the end of each season, I’ll go through the clothes: anything in good shape I will keep in storage, anything in not so great shape or that didn’t get worn will go in the donate pile, and anything that got pretty trashed lol (really bad stains, holes, etc) will get tossed.
Clothing storage
I have this set of cloth drawers I got on Amazon that is amazing for storing clothes! I used to have boxes that were filled with plastic bags that I wrote the age on (for ex. 0-3 mos) but I did not love that system. I’ve also tried the vacuum bags to decrease storage space, but I didn’t love that system either. Despite my best efforts I always find a clothing article or two for the age I just put away, and it’s a pain to open up those bags and the reseal them just to throw in one shirt, onesie, etc! I label each drawer with the age/size of the clothes, and when I need to pull out hand-me-downs I know exactly where to find them. Ahhh, organization feels good.
Summer clothing haul
If you want to see what I purchased for the girls’ summer capsule wardrobes, here you go! I typically get their clothes from either H&M or Old Navy – they always have cute stuff that isn’t crazy expensive (especially if you stick to the basics which I usually do, and not the more specialty clothing items). I always shoot to get tops & bottoms that will match, that way on any given day we can just grab whatever and they’ll look put together no matter what. This also helps since my 3 year old loves picking out her clothes now – when everything somewhat matches, I’m never worried about her wearing something crazy (although I probably wouldn’t care anyway lol do your thing girl!)